"Fixing" my Dynamag

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    I’ve got a Dynamag I’d like to fix, it has that weak spring problem.

    I’ve got a dud Rapid Madness on hand, one that doesn’t empty the clip like it should, and I’m wondering if it has springs suitable to rip out to fix the Dynamag. Also, is it even possible to fix an RM with bad firing issues? Should I try to fix the RM at all? Its already been replaced via Amazon, who let me keep the dud.

    I’m tempted to just hack the bad RM apart and use epoxy or something to fuse the barrel and other RM parts like another accessory rail onto the Dynamag afterwards. Sure it wont be as compact, but I think a Dynamag with a RM barrel would look quite stunning.

    Any thoughts?


    rapid madness is air powered not spring powered


    I am aware that that the actual launching mechanism uses compressed air from a sort of rubber bladder, however, some of it’s mechanisms use springs in the process of moving that air through the system to advance the ammo clip before it is used to launch the ammo. Im wondering if anyone here knows if any of those particular springs could be used to replace the springs in the front of the Dynamag, and give it enough force to hold the 20 dart clips in place without dropping them.


    Hmm, cant seem to find an edit button to update my previous posts.

    For those who don’t know, the Dynamag was intended to be able to use 20 dart clips, but when the blaster was marketed towards a younger age group, a couple of springs of lower strength were used. As it turned out, the weaker springs could not properly support the weight of the larger clips, and the blaster would constantly advance past a few shots, and sometimes the entire clip would fall out. This is the problem Im trying to fix. I just need to get a few proper springs for it.

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